Mask Mandates

Mask Mandates

Pictured here is Kona. She is our Chief Calm Officer. She's been getting her hands dirty, helping us with calls and concerns about mask mandate changes being announced. 

Across the country, and notably, on the west coast, mask mandates are being stricken from the books. This means that legally, people are not required by law to wear masks when they are out and about. It means that people can gather in enclosed spaces without masks. This opens the possibility for many venues to reopen at their pre-pandemic capacity. 

But... we've been getting many questions from small business owners who want to continue requiring masks in their locations. Be it because there are immune-suppressed people around or because they personally don't want to risk getting COVID, these business owners want masks to stay. 

This does not make them wrong, bad, or on the "wrong side." It simply means they want to continue to protect themselves, you, and us! 

Because your business is not a "publicly owned" or government entity, you can require your team to continue to wear masks. You also can refuse service or offer altered service to customers and clients who refuse to mask. This is 100% your right as a business owner. 

Keep in mind that not everyone will agree with your stance. Requiring masks will likely cause unfortunate confrontations with people who don't understand your concerns or don't respect them. Their behavior is not a reflection of you; it is a reflection of them. Don't take it personally. 

In the coming days, we will create posts about ways to support your team and keep them safe and sane in the face of angry people who disagree with your stance. In the meantime, we recommend you determine your position on masking in the workplace and your business and get that policy prepared and communicated to your team. 

If you need some help in the meantime, feel free to book a call with one of our HR experts. 

Until next time, keep on being an awesome boss!


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